Thursday, September 12, 2013


Watch the video, post a comment.


  1. I think the video is kinda funny, what it is saying is that in the end Syria may fall. But it will take time, and everyone has their eye on it. Just like other sorounding countries have done like Lybia and Egypt. Syria is trying to follow in their footsteps.

  2. I think it's good that the US and other countries are not trying to get involved with the troubles of Syria. The US is still trying to get out of war with Afghanistan, and I don't think they are dumb enough to get into another disaster with Syria. It just wouldn't end well.

  3. The animation is very strange and the video is really interesting. I was confused about some things but I agree with Jeanelle about the US not getting into it with Syria. They're too involved with wars on their own . Like the video said the cure is becoming too worse than the disease. The rebels are getting worse than the government. Also, I think Syria is just going to go nowhere but downhill from here.

  4. probably the dictator will fall in the end, and how he is opressing the people, that many Syrians are being killed, and how the dictator of Syria is focusing more on one religion than the others. I really don't know why America isn't helping Syria. What I thought was weird though was when I looked in the comments on youtube, people were saying the video was full of lies, and that Americans were clueless.

  5. I thought this was kind of funny. It was pretty interesting as well. I think it's a good idea for the United States to stay out of the way of wars because like Mia and Jeanelle said we're already too involved with wars as a country as it is. I do think Syria is going to fall and they are getting nowhere. Everything happening is pretty bad. On the news, I heard that Syria is killing a whole bunch of people, I'm not sure how many. Oh well.

  6. I didn't appreciate or like how Syrians were being killed. I don't think the government was really thinking straight. I have no clue as to why America is not being involved. Syria is going to do nothing but fail.

  7. I think it is a easy way to explain Syria's conflict and problems. I also think this is interesting way to tell how the governments acted.

  8. i think we should stay out of it because it could cause a unnecessary war that would be a wast of time and money

  9. I think a dictatorship will form from one of the groups and other countries will be dragged into this conflict.

  10. I don't think that we should get involed in the conflict in Syria. Just like Noah said, it would be a waste of money and time, but at the same time we might have to because the Syrian government is using chemical weapons in civilians and might turn on someone else next.

  11. I feel that this war is almost like a civil war, but more intense. This is due to the fact that we can't help. Honestly I think that we should stay out of it because we fought our civil war and so should they. Although I know that that shows a serious unconcern for human life. I feel that we should leave it alone until it becomes an issue in the states. That's not to say that it isn't already causing issues in the states but until it begins causing major conflict and major problems we shouldn't waste resources and lives on trying to help this feud.
