Sunday, August 12, 2012

Blog 1

Check out this video about human evolution in the modern age.  Let me know what you think.  Please share your thoughts.  Remember, it is easy points.


  1. Mia Hunter- I don't like most of the ideas the man shared with us. I think God created each animal for a reason and that if he wanted them to look or be that way, he would've made it that way. Sure some of the animals/ideas are cool but I don't think it's very safe. And, I can't help but think... How is this affecting the animals that are being used?

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  3. Is this true? If it is it's scary and CRAZY!!! Why ruin the animals God created that's crazy. They might sell them in the Market stores too gross. I'm also agreeing with Mia yeah glowing animals would be cool in all but it is NOT safe that would Ruin all the beautiful creatures God made. At the end he explained how if somebody asked for a dog and have a retriever head and a pig body I'm pretty sure that's not possible. CRAZY PEOPLE THESE DAYS. Why can't we keep what once was God's beautiful world well it's still beautiful but very sinful. My opinion is we should keep the beautiful animals we have now.

  4. I think that it's pretty cool how they figure that stuff out , but why would you do that to poor animals :0 ?? I guess they think since they're small and no one likes them ( bees and pigs ) that it's ok. I bet the ones doing this wouldn't be so happy if they themselves were experimented on, but ii also realize that it's their job and with the economy , they have to get paid some way. I just think it's animal cruelty . One day they'll get what they deserve in the end.

  5. umm... i highly doubt that we humans are in any position to "play God".
    God told Adam and Eve to multiply and take care of his nature, not make mutated monsters. i totally agree with Deesha, that is animal cruelty. As good as their intentions might be (making drugs for our health, have exotic pets,etc) we have no right to unbalance an animal's life for our own use.

  6. If you really think about what the human race is doing to nature now, then you may want to have a second look on how your own life impacts everything around you. No matter what you do, there will always be some kind of consequence to the action. Technology has and will continue to fall into the wrong hands. In fact, I strongly believe that no human being has any right to alter something for their own use. What people are doing to these animals is "playing God" in my eyes. They are making something completely new that would never happen in the wild. God made things a certain way for a reason, and no one will ever be smarter than Him. God gave every one of his creatures freedom of choice. Animals are smarter than we think, and they know when danger is coming quicker than we do. Most humans have lost the ability to recognize right from wrong. Yes, God put us in charge over the animals, but would you want to hurt or change something that you are responsible for? One drop raises the ocean. One small change affects the future greatly. People need to think harder about things before they do things.

  7. Interesting comments everyone. Keep them coming. Let me ask you guys: if you follow this guy's logic, where will we be in the next 50 years?

    1. I don't follow this guys logic very cruel to do stuff like that. In the next 50 years I hope were all in Heaven. If were not there yet then I hope this world get's better because this world is very "weird". Just my opinion. Beautiful world just not the world I think people want to live in.

    2. Fifty years from now is hard to imagine. This world is already going down hill, and these technologies may help it roll its way down even faster. Who knows? It could be easier to catch criminals at night by then. If you hit someone that is walking down the street at night, then you have no right to say you didn't see them before hand. With all jokes aside, this world is becoming quiet care free and selfish. It seems that everything is about your own safety and what you want/need then what other people want/need. I would be scared to step out of my own house, let alone live in it. We need to ask ourselves this, "Are we really getting the safety we need? Is the government pushing the limits with our privacy?" We are the people, and we have every right to say what we do and don't want for our future.

    3. 50 years is pretty hard to imagine, ii think this is going to just get worse and worse , people will come up with more easier ways to do this until something more interesting comes along. I agree with Alison on this , but if you think about it , some people don't even care , most of us go on and on about how unfair this is yet we do nothing but hide in the shadows. So that's technically giving them the right to do whatever they think is "safe" for us. as long as we don't do anything , they will keep making glow in the dark puppies , and sooner or later they are coming after us too.

    4. I think that if it wasn't for Jesus' second coming, we humans would slowly cause destruction and end planet Earth. we would auto-destruct ourselves. This world is already going down anyways. If it wasn't because Jesus intervened, I see a sad world lacking of flora, fauna and love. i'm pretty sure we would finish what little plants and animals we have left and without that we would die as well...

    5. Now that I'm thinking about it and reading the comments this world is getting worse and worse these days. People getting killed every minute teenagers acting like adults being very sinful. I don't think we realize how bad this world is very scary and you can hardly trust anybody these days. Hope are world comes to an end soon. So we can be in Heaven. Be with Jesus and have no SIN!!!! Nobody can predict the future in the next 50 years. Only God knows what will happen the next day to each person which is like amazing that God knows that.

    6. i agree the world is gunna get worse. i dont think these projects there doing is realy helping us or helping the future. in 50 years we could all be cloned or glowing. it wont help us in 50 years i think we are all fine the way we are right now and i think it should be that way in 50 years.

    7. If I did follow this guy's logic, I think the world would become way worse than it already is. The entire idea of what they plan to do to these animals is very creepy and I don't agree with it. I DON'T THINk it's apart of God's plan

    8. i think that if jesus hasn't already come back in 50 years i think that man will get to cocky. we are going to keep on expanding in knowledge and man will think they are god. then they will start attempting to clone people or create people. i just don't see this going according to Gods plan at all. like some of you all already said if God wanted us to glow in the dark and other stuff he would have created us like that. This guy is giving out intersting material and its letting us know that as christians we need to STOP we are getting to ahead of ourselves.

  8. Ok I would never want to see a glowing animal ,thats just not natural! If God wanted animals to glow then He would've created them that way . I hate that mankind is trying to alter the natural beauty of Gods Creation. To me its plan stupid, and the should leave the animals alone. It messes with the food chain and Im sure they don't know all the effects this could have on planet. Messing with the natural order of life to me is morally wrong .I don't think the should be able to submit animals to these sorts of test and changes. If we continue to follow his logic in 50 years, i think we will have all sorts of mutations and human made animals .

  9. i think that the video was kinda wierd, cool, but alittle creepy. To be honest though if i couuld be glow in the dark i would be. But i also think that we need to stop trying to change the human race and just be like how god created us.

  10. i think this video is very interesting everyone has there own thoughts the man has obviously done his research it has really expanded my imagination in thinking what is happening and what can happen especially with these glowing animals and how theirs new science and its genetic modifications, neuroscience and other breakthroughs that stretch our current philosophy to the breaking point.

  11. I think making people a different color is deffeintly not the way to go!!! why would you try and stop the way of the human life and the way people grow and the way they operate. If you think about being glow in the dark would actually be a relativly cool think to experience. It would also be a very unique experience.

  12. i think that it would be cool to be able to control fake body parts like that but its unnatural. these people its there job to do stuff like that but they are going to far with it. I think these people need to set a limit to what they can do to the animals.

  13. I thinks it weird but kinda cool. I mean i dont wunna glow and in the future i dont want my kidds glowing, and i think people are just trying to play God when they make the clones and make people glow. God made us the way we are for a reason and i think we should stay that way. By doing these experiments they could be makeing diseases.

  14. I think thatits weird to have glowing animals, its just not natutal. People should just let the animals be the animal that god created them to be. Also I dont really like the thought of glowing in the dark because thats just kinda weird.

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  16. I think this video is good and informative. women need more rights and the land owners should be more generous. Also they need help to improve their way of living and growth.

    -Desi, BJ, Devon
